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Heatmaps are a powerful visual tool that shows how users interact with websites through clicks, mouse movement, scrolling, and eye tracking. Companies can make data-driven optimizations to increase engagement and conversions by analyzing heat map data.

Here are 6 interesting case studies of companies using heatmaps from Attention Insight to improve their websites and grow their business.

The Studies

1. Filmelier increased CTA button clicks by 258% Filmelier, an online streaming platform, used Attention Insight’s AI-generated attention heat maps to analyze their homepage design. The heat maps revealed that the call-to-action (CTA) button was getting little attention. By making the CTA more prominent and moving it to a high-attention area, Filmelier increased CTA button clicks by an impressive 258%.

2. SuperShuttle increased engagement with social media Airport shuttle service SuperShuttle wanted to drive more referrals from social media. Using Attention Insight’s predictive eye-tracking heat maps, they discovered their social media icons were being ignored in the page footer. By repositioning the social links to the top of the page, SuperShuttle significantly boosted engagement with their social profiles.

3. Humana achieved a 433% increase in banner click-through Health insurance provider Humana used AI-powered attention heat maps to evaluate banner ads on their site. The analysis showed the current banners were not grabbing attention. After redesigning the banners based on the heat map insights, Humana achieved an incredible 433% lift in banner click-through rates.

4. Sport Chek boosted online transactions by 7.3% Canadian sporting goods retailer Sport Chek sought to increase purchases on their e-commerce site. Click maps and scroll maps from Attention Insight uncovered that key product information was being missed by users. By surfacing this info more prominently, Sport Chek recorded a 7.3% increase in online transactions.

5. The Skin Deep lifted homepage conversions by 93% Online beauty store The Skin Deep used AI attention heat mapping to optimize their homepage layout and messaging. The predictive heat map’s guided placement of key conversion elements in high-attention zones. These updates led to a substantial 93% improvement in the homepage conversion rate.

6. Augmented Classroom grew mobile app downloads by 180% Educational app maker Augmented Classroom wanted to get more downloads of their mobile learning apps. Using Attention Insight’s technology, they determined the app download links on their site were not prominent enough. Making the links more eye-catching based on the AI heat map data resulted in a 180% increase in app downloads.

How Attention Insight’s Predictive Eye Tracking Technology Works

Attention Insight has developed a deep learning algorithm that predicts human visual attention with up to 94% accuracy compared to real eye-tracking studies. The AI model analyzes design elements like size, color, contrast, and placement to determine which parts of a page will likely draw users’ attention in the first 3-5 seconds.

This allows companies to get rapid, affordable insights into their designs before having to conduct time-consuming and expensive traditional eye-tracking research. The AI-powered predictive heatmaps can be generated for any kind of visual design, including websites, marketing creative, product packaging, and more.

While not a complete replacement for in-depth eye-tracking studies, Attention Insight’s AI attention heatmaps provide highly accurate directional insights to guide the design optimization process at scale. This technology enables businesses to make data-driven design decisions much earlier and faster.

The Takeaway

These 6 case studies demonstrate the power of heat maps for guiding website optimizations that make a real impact on business metrics. Tools like Attention Insight’s AI-powered predictive eye-tracking heat maps enable companies to quickly and cost-effectively gain actionable insights – without the time and expense of traditional user testing. The compelling results across clicks, conversions, engagement, transactions, and downloads speak for themselves.

Greg Ahern