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As we look ahead to 2024, conversion rate optimization (CRO) continues to evolve rapidly. Staying on top of the latest trends is crucial for businesses looking to improve their online performance and drive growth. Here are some of the key CRO testing trends to watch in the coming year:

1. AI-Powered Testing and Optimization

Generative AI is revolutionizing CRO, enabling more dynamic and intelligent testing. Look for tests that leverage AI to:

  • Automatically iterate through experiments in real-time
  • Analyze and summarize test results
  • Predict visitor behavior based on historical data
  • Generate personalized testing ideas

Tools like VWO are already incorporating AI to speed up testing and provide actionable insights from visitor data.

2. Augmented and Virtual Reality Tests

AR and VR are becoming increasingly important for enhancing the online shopping experience. Potential tests include:

  • Virtual product try-ons for cosmetics or clothing
  • AR-powered room visualizations for furniture
  • Interactive 3D product models

These immersive experiences can boost confidence and reduce returns, ultimately improving conversion rates.

3. Social Proof Optimization

Social proof remains a powerful conversion driver. Tests to consider:

  • Adding customer photos and testimonials to product pages
  • Showcasing detailed case studies for B2B products
  • Experimenting with different placements and formats for reviews

For example, Wikijob saw a 34% increase in purchases after adding testimonials to their aptitude test page.

4. Visitor Behavior Analysis

Deep visitor research is becoming essential for CRO success. Tests should leverage insights from:

  • Heatmaps and click maps
  • Session recordings
  • Form analytics
  • On-site surveys

Ben, a mobile company, used heatmaps to identify issues with their product page color selection, leading to a 17.63% conversion lift after optimization.

5. Rapid Testing Velocity

Increasing testing speed and volume will be crucial in 2024. Companies like Hubstaff run 5+ concurrent tests on their site at all times. Consider:

  • Using AI tools to generate test ideas quickly
  • Implementing processes for faster test deployment and analysis
  • Prioritizing tests that address core user pain points

6. Personalization at Scale

Visitors expect tailored experiences. Test personalization strategies like:

  • Dynamic content based on user behavior or attributes
  • Personalized product recommendations
  • Customized messaging and offers for different segments

By focusing on these trending areas, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and drive meaningful improvements in their conversion rates throughout 2024.

Greg Ahern