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A/B testing is pivotal in conversion rate optimization. Every other week, I share real A/B tests I’ve conducted for clients, you vote, and the following week the actual test result is revealed. Here are past tests.

4 products per row are displayed on a homepage and the category page; which CTA, “Add to Cart” or “View Details,” had the greatest clicks?

Add to Cart Test

The results:

Home page: View Details had a lift of 32.38%
Category page: View Details had a lift of 36.92%

The ‘Add to Cart’ call-to-action can be misleading. Many ‘Add to Cart’ CTAs are designed to go to a product page instead of adding the item to the cart, confusing users. At the beginning of this test, View Details did better on the home page, and ‘Add to Cart’ did better on the category page. Over time, as the test collected enough data to reach statistical confidence, ‘View Details’ was the winner. Results vary depending on the product’s simplicity and purchasing options. The bottom line is that you have to test this one as it can be different for each situation.

See you next week for another test!

Greg Ahern